My name is Wendy Taylor and I have been teaching maths in high schools since 2012. I obtained a PhD in pure maths in 2011 and have been the Year 7 and 8 Maths Coach with T2Maths since 2019.
I love creating resources, using them with my students and sharing them with others.
I live in Melbourne with my husband, sons and pet fish.
I love listening to the Mr Barton Maths Podcast during long car trips and organising Maths, Wine and Cheese nights to discuss maths teaching with some of my closest teacher friends.
Education Based Research Papers
(Some published under maiden name)
- Taylor, W. (2022) Using Mathematics Competition Questions with High Achieving Students. Vinculum, Volume 59, No. 2
- Taylor, W (2019) Routines and Resources 4: Problem Solving. Vinculum, Volume 56, No. 2, (pp10-13).
- Taylor, W (2019) Routines and Resources 3: Skill Development. Vinculum, Volume 56, No. 1, (pp12-15).
- Taylor, W (2018) Routines and Resources 2: Homework. Vinculum, Volume 55, No. 4, (pp12-15).
- Taylor, W (2018) Routines and Resources. Vinculum, Volume 55, No. 3, (pp20-21).
- Taylor, W and Gordon, I. (2015) A Random Slice of Pi. Vinculum, Volume 52, No. 4, (pp5-7).
- Taylor, W (2014) Searching for Rationality. Vinculum, Volume 51 Issue 1, (pp14-17).
- Taylor, W and Stacey, K. (2014) Gardner’s Two Children Problems and Variations: Puzzles with Conditional Probability and Sample Spaces. The Australian Mathematics Teacher Volume 70 No. 2. (pp13-19).
- Baratta, W. (2011) Linear Equations: Equivalence = Success. Australian Mathematics Teacher, Volume 67, No. 4. (pp6-11).
- Chick, H. & Baratta, W. (2011) Teachers’ strategies for demonstrating fraction and percentage equivalence. AAMT23/MERGA34.
- Baratta, W., Price, E., Stacey, K., Steinle, V., Gvozdenko, E. (2010) Percentages: The effect of problem structure, number complexity and calculation format. In L.Sparrow, B. Kissane, C. Hurst (Eds.) Shaping the Future of Mathematics Education. Proceedings of 33rd annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. (pp. 61 – 68) Fremantle: MERGA.
Conference Presentations
- MAV peresentations
- 2017 – Was that set for homework? (with Sabine Partington and George Tissera)
- 2017 – Shining up the staples-delving into evidence informed classroom practices (with Oliver Lovell)
- 2016 – Collaborative Tasks For Learning And Assessing Mathematics (with Sabine Partington and Brent Jewell)
- 2015 – Di-vision of Fun in the Inclusive Maths Classroom: Equal Sharing of Success (with Sabine Partington)
- 2015 – No Textbook, No Topics, No Worries! (with Toby Mahoney and Nataline Cumming)
- 2013 – Being Positive About Negative Numbers
- MERGA presenation
- 2010 – Percentages; The effect of problem structure, number complexity and calculation format