I would like to thank the following people and organisations for their contributions to mathsquad;

The teachers who have worked with a topic and textbook free program at my school from 2015. Thank you for your willingness to try something new and your ongoing conversations that have contributed to the current form of the mathsquad program.

Sabine, who has helped me shape the content and structure of many resources.

Mum, who has generously proof read pretty much all of the mathsquad materials.

Luke, for his work on proof reading and suggested improvements to the homework helper and the foundation skill development book.

Kirsten, for helping discover the mathsquad name and using her graphic design skills to create the logo and covers.

My Maths Chatter friends Ollie, Gareth, Marty and Luke for their feedback on the first version of the website that resulted in many improvements to the site and resources.

My students for always enthusiastically letting me know when they find errors and typos in the materials we use in class.

The Australian Maths Trust who kindly allowed me to include past Australian Maths Competition questions within the homework sheets.

My husband for understanding how important this project is to me and helping make it all possible.