Current services include:

  • Tutoring @$250 for 10 weeks of tuition through our Guided Homework Program. Please visit our Year 7 Preparation Guided Homework page for more information
  • Professional Development + Educational Consultation starting from @$300 per hour. Please visit our Professional Development page for more information
  • Resource creation @$200 per hour. You may like the basic structures of the Mathsquad resources though want to change some components. This may include having a unique skill web-site created for your school, adjusting the homework so the order of skills are different, some additional skills are included or some existing skills are removed. You may like the times table program but prefer it to not include all related facts. The Mathsquad files have been created using some combination of word, latex and excel. Existing formulas can be adjusted to create resources that better meet the needs of your students.

To enquire about the above services and/or request a quote, please email Wendy at or fill in the form below


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