Step 1: Times Tables

  • Q1-4: 0, 1, 2 and 10 times tables
  • Q5-8: 10, 11, 9 and 5 times tables
  • Q9-12: 2, 4, 8 and 7 times tables
  • Q13-16: 2, 3, 6 and 7 times tables
  • Q17-20: 2, 10, 12 and 8 times tables
  • Q21-24: mixed tables and multiplying a number by itself

Notes on Times Tables

Having instant recall of your times tables is the best preparation for any maths learning.

Students can improve their times tables knowledge in two main ways.

  1. Learning relationships between facts
  2. Practice, practice practice!!

The attached booklets provides a self contained Times Tables Training Program.

Print out the student booklet and start working towards instant recall!

Step 2: Reviewing Topic 1 – Integers and Algebra

Step 3: Topic 2 Skills – Decimals


**Skills marked with a * are advanced skills, these skills are for SEAL students and any mainstream students who are operating at a similar level**

Step 4: Worded Questions

  1. Worded questions involving the four operations
  2. Multiplicative thinking
  3. Australian Maths Competition Questions